Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jeepers Creepers, I'm sick

I'm sick. The moment I decide to start making my healthy a priority, I get sick. This isn't the first time either. Two years ago, I decided that walking and jogging would do me some good and my appendix decided to go rogue. Along with the walking and jogging, I was also mixed light weight work outs and sit ups into my daily exercise routine. After the surgery, I was told I couldn't do anything straining for 90 days. When my recovery was done, I was much too apathetic to get back into the routine.

And now I'm sick. This is just wonderful. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

On Sleep

This can't be healthy. Actually, I know it can't be healthy. I've been told it isn't. I've read several articles that have reported such. Also, for two years of my life, I was burdened with insomnia. And now, it would seem, it's back. Now, as someone who wants back into a life where running doesn't take the breath out of him, I'm seeing the new problem in an old friend. 

Sleep is essentially, and not just for your sanity - though, I would say that is a big plus. If you're on the path to lose weight, sleep is your best friend. "Getting a good night's sleep may help you lose weight. In a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, women who slept 5 hours or less per night were three times as likely to retain at least 11 pregnancy pounds as women who slept 7 hours a night. Researchers believe that lack of sleep may trigger appetite-stimulating hormones." And I'm not quoting this because I've read this in The Belly Off! Diet, as I've read it in other publications such as Reader's Digest and, not to mention, I've lived it. 

The two years when sleep wouldn't come to me, I found myself cooking steaks at three\four - even at five - in the morning. How else did one expect me to balloon from 120lbs to 150 in just two years? Sure, 30 pounds is nothing in two years, but the change was significant and quick. Those around me suddenly had to point out, "Geez, Willie, you're getting fat." It's not something a person like me was used to hearing. 

And a few years ago, when my body was struggling to store energy, I stumbled into one of my professor's office for a quick chat. I brought up the current situation I was in and he suggested that I get more sleep - thanks a lot, Captain Obvious. Sleep was my problem, I told him. His answer? More exercise. Puzzled, I gave him a look. "People who exercise have more energy than those who don't. And it helps you sleep." What to do. What to do.

Exercise is my obvious choice, but at the moment, I'm afraid to step outside for a nice walk (it's been raining a lot these days) and using the machine is too nerve wracking at the moment. So I figured to eliminate caffeine from my diet, as well as, large amounts of sugars and spicy foods (which cause me to have some major hot sauce). Well, not eliminating them so much as, not eating them as often. With, of course, the exception of caffeine. I need that like a moose needs a hat-rack. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Goodbye (Bad) Lifestyle

This is probably going to be harder than I anticipated. I don't know what I thought I was doing when I ordered that deal from Pizza Hut today. Yeah, that's right. Pizza Hut. They have their usual $10 pizza deal and all three of us (Izzy and Jyg) were hungry. I suggested pizza and when we got on the Pizza Hut website to place an order - not out of laziness, but my sheer dislike of ordering on the phone - Jyg saw the $10 pasta deal and my arm was twisted (it really wasn't that hard). I only had a slice of pizza and two small servings of the pasta, but I still felt that I already let myself down. 

Dear readers. Never. Ever. Start a diet in the middle of the week. Oh boy. Leftovers tomorrow.